Coming Later Today

July 27th, 2018

As most of you know, I had an absence yesterday where I was unable to really report and/or update. However there was a very QOTD posted yesterday. Also, yesterday wrapped up Day 4 of the Onyx and Ivory buddy read Bookish Boss Book Club. So far so good, think it will make my top ten reads this year so far!! Has anyone else read this new novel?! If not go get it and start now!!

Later I will be updating the progress for today read along as well as some fun things on IG. As for now, there are Shout Outs’ posted for today!! These feeds are aesthetically pleasing, and show amazing talent as well, be sure like and follow their feeds for more!! For now I’m going to finish my house chores then back to finish Onyx and Ivory!! Happy reading muggles, much more later!!